Category Archives: Organization

Organizing Weekly Outfits

On social media recently I came across pictures of the various ways people organized their kids clothes for the week. Although, I’m not yet trying to get little M ready and out the door in the morning. That day will come sooner than later and some sort of system may come in handy. In the meantime, it’ll mean I only need to think about selecting outfits for her once, maybe twice a week. For whatever reason picking outfits for her (also for myself, I may do this for me once I go back to work) causes me to feel a bit anxious so only having to do it once or twice a week sounds like a great plan so I decided to give it a try.

Since I already have a closet organizer for her I figured I could use that. The items that it contained were no longer necessary since she wasn’t such a little baby anymore (items like swaddle blankets and drool bibs) so I moved them out. I wish I took a before picture, but oops I didn’t.

I decided not to label the slots with days of the week but instead used numbers. My reasoning for this, she will be able to recognize numbers sooner than read words so I’ll be able to direct her to choose her outfits based on the number slot they are in (maybe one day?). Who knows if this will work but hey no harm in trying.

Since I only had so many spaces available (wanted to keep towels and blankets where they were) I only used numbers one through six. Saturday and Sunday share a slot.


Maggie's Closet - resized

So far so good, the system has been working great for me. Since she doesn’t recognize her numbers yet when I ask her to get her clothes she selects her outfits randomly. Maybe that’s better since she gets to make a decision but I still get to put her in a matching outfit (and still only have to put them together once or twice a week). Yay, win win.


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