
Alphabet Based Activity Plan – IJKL

Are you looking for some loosely planned activities to do with your little? How about ones based on the alphabet?

I started on November 9th with my alphabet based activity plans (you can find my previous posts linked at the end of this post). We have completed A through H. It’s been a bit of a struggle to come up with interesting activities but I’m committed to keep trying. I’m sure some weeks will be much better than others.

Either way I like the pre-planned structure and I’m sure little M likes the additional activities.


A few weeks ago we did the letters I and J.

  • Monday we ate ice cream.
  • Tuesday we played with toy insects.
  • Wednesday we played with ice (I froze some of the toy insects into a block of ice).
  • Thursday we made jellyfish.
  • Friday we created a jumping obstacle course.

I took a longer than expected break over the Christmas season and when I did try to start up again I had some things going on that didn’t allow me to focus. Because of this the timing of the letter activities is a bit messed up.


Last week we did the letters K and L.

  • Monday we recited Old King Cole and made crowns.
  • Tuesday we made a kiss painting (put on lipstick and kissed a paper plate).
  • Wednesday we kicked balls.
  • Thursday we painted with lemons and limes and watched a video about lions.
  • Friday we skipped letter based activities (I know I’m bad).

A few things I learned over these past couple of weeks:

  • She prefers chocolate ice cream over vanilla and strawberry, although I think she likes all three J.
  • The toy insects were a hit and she liked that I froze them into a block of ice. I think she likes anything ice related. I should get more small toys like these.
  • Although I knew that my little couldn’t do all the steps of making a paper plate jellyfish I thought she may like colouring on the plate. Nope, she was not interested. She only did a couple of scribbles before she lost interest.
  • She didn’t want to wear her crown but thought mine was funny. She preferred to rip them apart.
  • The lipstick “painting” didn’t hold her interest very long.
  • She laughed when I kicked balls around the house but wasn’t very interested in trying to kick them back. She more into throwing lately.
  • I only have finger paints so I used those with the lemons and limes. She watched me use them but was more interested in smearing the paint around than doing what I did.
  • The lion video kept her interest. I should try another animal.

Here are the links to my previous posts.

The post about A & B and C & D.

The post about E & F and G & H.

I thought it may be helpful to include links to my favorite sites for ideas:

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Have you planned this sort of thing to do with your little? How did you organize the activities (like I did by letter)? Do you have any other ideas for activities to do for the letters I & J and K & L?

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